or TEXT US (956) 734-3364

We would be more than happy to put you in touch with both past clients & current Owners with whom we have their property under our management services. Simply reach out to us via email for references [email protected] or call our office to schedule an in person appointment with Chad as a property owner.

“Being a family with young children South Padre Trips we use time and again for our short getaways to the Island. Our favorite condos are Island Morning Suns off 103 Morningside as well as Sparky’s Pool House. The staff really works with us on accommodating small requests with ease. I recommend them especially for family trips.”

testimonial image

Jose & Katelynn – Texas
Multiple stay guests
Email: [email protected]

“Chad & the South Padre Trips crew took my home on the Island that needed maintenance attention, professionally handled it, and increased my monthly rental income well beyond expectations. I have no idea how they do it – but I can say they do a great job!”

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David Cazares Esq
Property Owner 113 Mesquite under management
Cazares Family Law
Email: [email protected]